martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Max Power

Maximillian Honkley era un simple bibliotecari d'un petit poble. La seva vida anodina va fer un tomb quan una tarda, ja tancant, i mentre ordenava els llibres que la gent deixava sobre les taules va veure'n un que no recordava tenir... 'I remember Lemuria' de Richard Sharpe Shaver.

Intrigat, va començar a llegir-lo i li va semblar estranyament familiar... Investigant sobre el tema, va trobar una entrada a la xarxa de tunels subterranis que es mencionen a la novela.

Sense cap experiéncia com a explorador, després de varies hores voltant pe allà, va adonar-se'n que estava perdut. Per afegir terror a la situació, va creure veure una forma humanoide d'ulls brillants que l'observaba. Espantadíssim, va començar a corre despavorit per tunnels i tunnels fins que sense adonar-se'n va trobar un forat al mig del pas. Al caure, va colpejar-se el cap i va quedar inconscient mentre rodolava... cada cop més avall.

En despertar, estava rodejat de uns estranys éssers, una espècie de formigues antropomòrfiques. Al principi, es va espantar molt, pero de seguida va veure que de fet, els éssers li havien curat les ferides i estaven cuidant-lo.
Gràcies a la seva afició per les llengües, va anar pop a poc entenent als éssers: parlaven un dialecte similar al de certes tribus indies que havien viscut per la zona. Després d'un temps recuperant-se, havia fet una bona relació amb ells i havia après un munt de coses. Eren els Anu Sinom, o Gent Formiga, provenien d'Orió i havien viscut en aquests tunnels durant segles, ajudant als humans i enfrontant-se constantment amb els Deros, els malignes éssers réptils d'ulls brillants que en Maximillian havia vist abans de caure.

Un dia, quan ja va estar totalment recuperat i anava a marxar, els Anu li van oferir una éspecie de vestit. Van dir-li que aixó l'ajudaria a combatre els Deros, ja que havia estat triat per impedir que aquests s'extenguessin per la Terra. Va pensar que no havia entés gaire bé el que li deien i va marxar a casa... però uns dies desprès, en tornar a veure el vestit va decidir emprovar-se'l i, en fer-ho, el vestit va ajustar-se al seu cos i una estranya energia va rodejar-lo...

Certament, encara no te ni idea de com fer-lo servir, però si que ha vist que el vestit li dona uns poders que potser el converteixen en... l'ésser més poderós de la Terra.

Bé, una entrada prou llarga avui. Clarament basada en 'El Gran Héroe Americano en la seva aparença i en un gran filósof en el seu nom. A baix deixo unes cançons que amenitzen el tema.



Maximillian Honkley was a mere librarian of a small town. His anodised life made a turn when one afternoon, already closing, and while ordering the books that people left on the tables saw one that he did not remember having... ' I remember Lemuria ' by Richard Sharpe Shaver.

Intrigued, he began to read it and seemed strangely familiar... Researching on the subject, found an entrance to the underground tunnels that were mentioned in the novel.

Without any experience as an explorer, after several hours around there, he realized that he was lost. To add terror to the situation, he thought to see a humanoid form with bright eyes that observed him. Terrified, he start to run by tunnels and tunnels until inadvertently found a hole in the middle of the passage. When he fell, he struck his head and was unconscious while he was tumbling... Down and down.

On awakening, it was surrounded by strange beings, a kind of anthropomorphic ants. At first he was very scared, but immediately saw that the people had healed his wounds and were taking care of him.

Thanks to his fondness for languages, he gradually understood beings: they spoke a dialect similar to certain Indian tribes who had lived around the area. After a while recovering, he had done a good relationship with them and had learnt a lot of things. They were the Anu Sinom, or Ant People, they came from Orion and had lived in these tunnels for centuries, helping humans and facing steadily with the Deros, the evil sighted beings of bright eyes that Maximillian had seen before falling.

One day, when he was fully recovered and was to leave, the Anu offered him an oddly dress. They said that this would help him to combat the Deros, since he had been chosen to prevent them from extending to the Earth. He thought he had not really understand what they told him and he went home... But a few days later, on returning to see the dress decided to try it and, in doing so, the dress adjusted to her body and a strange energy surrounded it...

Certainly, he still have no idea how to use it, but he has seen that the dress gives some powers that maybe make him... The most powerful being on Earth.

Ok, long thread today. Trully based on 'Greatest American Hero' in his appearance and on a great philosopher in his name... So, here i left some great songs about this:

Thanks to their respective owners

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