Aquesta és la meva primera entrada en un temps... I la primera que comparteixo per participar a Forgotten Heroes 2019, que aquest any acull Carrion Crow's Buffet.
El tema que hem de fer aquest any són els superherois patriotes, de manera que el meu primer és G.I. Jingo, un supersoldat nord-americà, però no un de gaire bo...
Tractant de replicar els experiments nazis dels Übermensch (això estava declinant l'equilibri de la guerra cap al bàndol nazi), el govern dels Estats Units escull alguns soldats i els inoculen amb un sèrum experimental (en forma de supositori rectal). Malauradament, això va matar a la majoria dels implicats deixant només un parell de subjectes vius.
Un d'ells, el caporal Nathan Rogers, no només va sobreviure, sino que va obtenir algunes millores, ajudant a guanyar la guerra al bàndol aliat sota el nom de Captain Freedom.
No obstant això, en la seva última missió, el quasi indestructible Supersoldat va deixar el capità en coma amb un impressionant cop de tanc al cap...
Molts anys després, a l'epoca actual, en Nathan va despertar del seu coma, repenent la seva carrera de defensor dels USA. Però alguna cosa havia canviat... El seu comportament era violent, molt racista. Defensava la pàtria d'una manera psicopàtica. Així que la premsa el va començar a anomenar G.I. Jingo.
Ara, amb l'arribada d'un president inclús més racista i patriotic que ell mateix, lidera el grup de superherois coneguts com Freedom Fighters (que sembla més aviat un grup paramilitar ultraviolent).
That's my first entry in a while... And the first i share to participate in Forgotten Heroes 2019, hosted this year for Carrion Crow's Buffet .
The theme we have to do this year is Patriot superheroes, so my first one is G.I. Jingo, an american supersoldier, but not a nice one...
Trying to replicate the Nazi experiments of Übermensch (This was declining the balance of war towards the Nazi side), USA government choose some soldiers and inoculate them with an experimental serum (rectal suppository shaped). Unfortunately, this killed most of those involved leaving only a couple of subjects alive.
One of them, corporal Nathan Rogers, not only survived, but he got some improvements, helping to win the war to the Allied side who named him Captain Freedom.
However, on his last mission, the almost indestructible Supersoldat left Captain in a coma with an impressive blow of tank to the head...
Many years later, in the current era, Nathan woke up from his coma, replaying his career as a defender of the USA. But something had changed... His behaviour was violent, very racist. He defends his homeland in a psychopathic way. So the press start to call him G.I. Jingo.
Now, with the arrival of a president even more racist and patriotic than himself, he leads the group of superheroes known as Freedom Fighters (which seems more like an ultraviolet paramilitary group).
Now, with the arrival of a president even more racist and patriotic than himself, he leads the group of superheroes known as Freedom Fighters (which seems more like an ultraviolet paramilitary group).
Miniature is Sgt Spanner from Hasslefree.
It's freely based in Captain Hammer, from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog series.
Genial post!
EliminarAbsolutely brilliant!
ResponderEliminarThank you!
EliminarVery cool concept and a great paint job. Fine work, my friend!
ResponderEliminarThank you, sir.