En Tom i la Jane eren una parella feliç. Amb una forta ideologia hippie, compartien molts interessos (eren vegans, tenien un petit hort, els hi agradava molt Grease i posar floretes als canons de les pistoles de la policía...).
La seva felicitat va ser encara més gran quan van saber que la Jane estava embarassada, però tot es va truncar quan va néixer la Lucy: ERA VERDA!!
Sense saber-ho, havien construït la seva casa sobre un antic cementiri nuclear de la Guerra Freda: Ara entenien perquè els seus carbassons eren tan grans...
I aixó no era el pitjor: Quan la nena s'enfadava, coses a l'atzar es movien. Al principi només eren estris que queien, però quan la figura de tamany real de "Frenchy" Facciano va volcar i explotar en mil trossos, van començar a sospitar alguna cosa... Sense experiéncia en temes de mutacions, no van relacionar els fets amb la nena, sino que van pensar que tenien un fantasma a casa. Després d'una neteja espiritual, van trucar un exorcista, pensant que era la nena, la que estava posseïda... La Lucy, en veure's atacada va fregir el cervell de l'exorcista deixant-lo en estat catatónic!
Poc a poc van aprendre a conviure amb els poders de la Lucy (que eren cada vegada més grans) i a acceptar que era una mutant.
Uns anys després, la Lucy va unir-se a varis joves herois per defensar el seu poble de Jack O'Murder i els seus espantaocells (realment, es un petit poblet molt afectat per la radiació...), formant els Mighty Mates.
I, quant als seus pares, han deixat la vida hippie i han trobat la manera de treure profit de tot el que ha passat: En Tom és el manager i R.R.P.P. dels MM i la Jane a assolit un gran éxit amb el seu canal de Youtube "I love Lucy... although she is a little green-brainburner-bastard"
Tom and Jane were a happy couple. With a strong hippie ideology, they shared many interests (they were vegans, they had a small vegetable garden, they liked "Grease" a lot and they liked to put flowers in the police guns cannons...).
His happiness was even greater when they realise that Jane was pregnant, but everything was cut short when Lucy was born: SHE WAS GREEN!!
Unknowingly, they had built their house over a former nuclear cemetery of the Cold War: they now understood because their zucchini were so great...
And that was not the worst: when the girl got angry, things randomly moved. At first there were only widgets that fell, but when the natural size figure of "Frenchy" Facciano tumbled and exploded in a thousand pieces, they began to suspect something... No experienced in themes of mutations, did not relate the facts with the girl, but they thought they had a ghost at home. After a spiritual cleansing, they called an exorcist, thinking it was the girl, the one that was possessed... Lucy, when she was attacked, fried The Exorcist's brain, leaving him in a catatonic state!
Slowly, they learned to live with the powers of Lucy (who were increasingly more and more) and to accept that it was a mutant.
A few years later, Lucy joined several young heroes to defend her village from Jack O'Murder and her scarecrows (actually, it is a small village heavily affected by radiation...), forming the Mighty Mates.
And, in terms of their parents, they have left their hippie life and have found a way to benefit from everything that has happened: Tom is the manager and PR of the MM and Jane has had a great success with her Youtube channel "I Love Lucy... Although she is a little green-brainburner-bastard"
That is just brilliant, great idea.
ResponderEliminarThanks, Sir.
EliminarJajajjaja, que guay!
ResponderEliminarThanks! there are many more on the way...