viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

Estelada - Forgotten Heroes 2019

Aquí us porto la segona entrada (i última) per al Forgotten Heroes d'aquest any. Degut a que Comic Life té avui un dia difícil, ho faré a les braves... Espero que us agradi.

Here I bring you the second entry (and the last one) for this year's Forgotten Heroes. Because of Comic Life  has a tough day today, I do it old school style... I hope you like it.


Elisenda Ferré era una noia normal; bé, més aviat una noia tímida i sense gaires amics...
Anava a un institut públic, on la majoria dels seus companys eren desagradables amb ella i d'altres nois només perque podien. Eren víctimes del que ara es coneix com a bulling.
Un dels principals problemes entre aquesta gent era la seva procendència. Així com Elisenda i molts dels seus companys eren de famílies catalanes, els seus acosadors eren fills d'inmigrants españols, arribats aquí durant la posguerra. I, tot i que ells no havien viscut res d'aixó, la educació que se'ls hi donava a casa era d'enfrontament i odi cap als altres.

Elisenda Ferré was a normal girl; Well, rather a shy girl and without many friends... She went to a public institute, where most of his colleagues were unpleasant with her and other guys just because they could. They were victims of what is now known as bullling. 
One of the main problems between these people was their procendence. As well as Elisenda and many of her colleagues were from Catalan families, their bullies were children of Spanish immigrants, arrived here during the Civil War. And, even though they had not experienced that war, the education they had at home was of confrontation and hate towards others.
Tot va canviar quan, en una excursió escolar, van anar a visitar el monestir de Montserrat, situat a la serralada del mateix nom, font de llegendes i misteris com desaparicions o visites de Himmler, segon de Hitler durant la 2ª Guerra Mundial...

Everything changed when, on a school trip, they visited the monastery of Montserrat, located in the mountain range of the same name, a source of legends and mysteries as disappearances or visits by Himmler, Hitler's second during the World War 2...

Durant la visita, ella va notar que algú la observaba... es tractava d'un dels monjos que passejaven pel monestir. Al principi va pensar que tot era cosa de la seva imaginació. Però aleshores va notar que, de fet, la estava seguint...
Molt espantada, va intentar explicar-li a algú però, com ja hem dit, els seus companys no eren gaire amables amb ella.
Com que anava més atenta al monjo que a la resta del seu grup, al cap d'una estona veié que havia perdut el grup i, pitjor encara, havia quedat atrapada en un llarg passadís amb el monjo, que la vigilava en posició amenaçant des de l'altra punta... En una desició impulsiva, degut al terror que sentia, va saltar des de la finestra més propera cap a l'exterior; per sort, era un primer pis i només va fer-se un cop al meluc i es va torçar un tormell.
Els seus problemes només van empitjorar, ja que de la porta més propera, va sortir el mateix monjo, encara perseguint-la. Ella va marxar, coixejant, muntanya amunt; la única escapatória possible.
Espantadíssima, ferida i sense res més que una mica d'aigua que portava a la motxilla, va anar endintsant-se més a la muntanya, fins que, esgotada i veient que s'estava fent fosc, va ficar-se en una cova a descansar... i es va quedar dormida.

During the visit, she noticed someone watching her... It was one of the monks who walked around the monastery. At first she thought that everything was about his imagination. But then she noticed that, in fact, he was following her... Very scared, she tried to tell someone but, as we have already said, his companions were not very kind to her.
As she was more attentive to the monk than the rest of her group, after a while she saw that she had lost the group and, even worse, had been trapped in a long corridor with the monk, who watched her in a threatening position from the other side... In a impulsive desicion, due to the terror he felt, she jumped from the closest window to the outside; Luckily, it was a first floor and she only hit her hip and sprained her ankle.
His problems only worsened, since by the closest door came out the same monk, still pursuing her. She left, limping, mountain up; The only possible escape.
Fearful, wound and without anything more than some water in her backpack, went deeper into the mountain, until, exhausted and seeing that it was getting dark, got into a cave to rest... And he fell asleep.

Una forta llum la va despertar i ella, pensant que el monjo l'havia trobat, va començar a plorar i a suplicar per la seva vida... però una cálida veu femenina la va calmar:

      "Elisenda, no tinguis por... perque has estat escollida. A partir d'ara serás la protectora de la teva terra, Catalunya, envers els perills que vindran. Sigues forta, que jo t'ajudaré."

I amb aquestes paraules, va desaparéixer. Al lloc d'on havia sortit la veu només hi havia un penjoll en forma d'estrella. En agafar-lo, una energia com mai havia sentit la va rodejar i va néixer...


A strong light awakened and she, thinking that the monk had found her, start to cry and begged for his life... But a warm feminine voice calmed her down:

 "Elisenda, do not be afraid... Because you have been chosen. From now on you will be the protector of your land, Catalonia, towards the dangers that will come. Be strong, I'll help.  "

And with these words, she disappeared. In the place where the voice had left there was only one necklace in a star-shaped way. When she took it, an energy as she had never felt surrounded her and so was born...



The clix i used to create her is Aurora, from Armor Wars

And the suit is based on Catalonian Flag, named 'Estelada'

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