jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

Brutality Skirmish Game: First Warband

 Okay, it's been a while (again...), but here i go again with another 😓 new game i've found:

Brutality Skirmish Game:

Brutality is a Skirmish Wargame with RPG-lite aspects.

  • Use any 25mm-32mm models from any game
  • Create your own stats
  • Play with points, or not!
  • Alternating activation
  • Campaign System
  • A setting that allows you to bring your favorite characters together
  • A model’s facing matters and different assault tactics get different bonuses!
  • No models to buy! What could be easier?

 Brutality Skirmish Game

And here it is, the first warband i've made:



‘The Belligerent Beasts’ (from left to right):
Arthur (Beast): Arthur is the last of the Catalan Goat breed, and came from a distant dystopic future. He’s not the smartest (he’s actually so dumb), but he puts a lot of will on everything, he's fast, and he's got a huge knife... Oh, and he can eat literally anything...
Pauline (Shredder): Pauline is the only female in the group, but she’s also the toughest one. She doesn’t remember where she came from, but she’s got a huge gun and that's all she needs to know. She loves to blow things up and walk on the beach at sunset.
Sir Michael ’Mickey’ Bentstone (Breacher): Sir Michael was a nobleman in his world. But one day, suddenly, he woke up in an unknown and frankly dangerous world.
Luckily, his faithful sword Wilhelmina (known more commonly as Minnie) had also come with him, as he had to face warriors with 'magic' weapons, monsters and even penguins (oh, how much he hates penguins...).
Now, after joining others like him, he has a purpose in life. Kill as many penguins as he can! Well, and go back to his world, if possible.
Gaspar Le’Geck (Specialist): Gaspar doesn't seem the bravest, but deep down in his heart (VERY DEEP), he has something that forces him to face his fears (which are many) and help his friends.
This, and the fact that he makes the best bug pancakes in the Brutal Realm, make him an important member of the team.
He's secretly in love with Pauline, but he's afraid that kissing her will hurt him with his beak. And he doesn't even want to imagine what would come next...

martes, 9 de junio de 2020

Forgotten Heroes 2020 - Vanguard

Bé, és aquella (oblidada) època de l'any de nou. Aquí estan els Herois Oblidats!

Well, is that (forgotten) time of the year again. Here they are the Forgotten Heroes!

Aquest any, la meva primera entrada és un semi-desconegut heroi provinent de la editorial Image Comics: VANGUARD!

This year, my first entry is a semi-unknown hero from Image Comics: VANGUARD!

Vanguard és un superheroi de ficció que van crear Gary Carlson i Erik Larsen per a l'antologia autoeditada de Carlson, Megaton. Vanguard és un alien blanc amb antenes petites al que se li ha donat l'ocupació de la vigilància de la terra, que és vista pels alienígenes com un lloc avorrit amb poques possibilitats de que passi alguna cosa. El seu únic company és un sarcàstic robot cicloptic i els seus androides canviaformes, encara que ràpidament va desenvolupar una relació amb una periodista anomenada Roxanne Wells.

Vanguard is a fictional alien superhero created by Gary Carlson and Erik Larsen for Carlson's self-published anthology Megaton. Vanguard is a white alien with small antennae who has been given the unenviable job of guarding Earth, which is viewed by the aliens as boring with little chance of anything happening. His sole companion is a sarcastic, hovering cycloptic robot and their morphing androids, though he quickly developed a relationship with a reporter Roxanne Wells.

En aquest cas, la conversió ha estat molt senzilla: He utilitzat el cos del Sinestro #060 de Heroclix DC75h Anniversary amb el cap d'un Kovoss Kryptics, de Dreadball.

In this case, the conversion has been very simple: I used the body of Sinestro #060 from Heroclix DC75h Anniversary with the head of a Kovoss Kryptics, from Dreadball.

I aquest és el resultat:

And this is the final result:

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Vale. Aquí us deixo el segon membre dels Mighty Mates. Us presento a:

Ok. Here I leave the second member of the Mighty Mates. Let me introduce you:

Danny Dávila era una persona tranquil.la.

Durant tota la seva infància havia hagut d'aguantar burles i el que ara coneixem com a bulling. Tot i això, era una bona persona i mai havia tingut la necessitat de venjança i ni tan sols això l'havia fet canviar la seva tranquil.litat habitual. Sang d'orxata, li deien...

Però a mida que creixia, anava acumulant decepcions: la gent li passava per sobre; les velles se li colaven a la cua del súper; homes peluts l'empentaven al bus; mares deixaven els seus enormes SUVs al mig mentre recollien els nens de l'escola; homes vells aparcaven el cotxe allà on els hi anava bé; d'altres joves escoltaven horrible 'música' a tot volum desde els seus mòbils pel carrer...

Finalment, un dia la sang d'en Danny va començar a bullir:


Ja no podia aguantar més. Alguna cosa s'havia trencat al seu cap (i al seu ADN, ja que l'incident va fer sortir els seus poders latents). Va vestir-se amb el xandall més lleig que tenia, es va enmascarar amb un vell passamontanyes, va agafar un parell de barres d'acer... i va començar a castigar a la gent incívica sota el nom de Douchebagger (qui patrulla els carrers posant els gilipolles a puesto). definició d' Urban Dictionary

Després de l'incident succeït al poble amb en Jack O'Murder, va unir-se a d'altres joves herois i així van néixer els Mighty Mates (veure també Braindead).
La seva rel.lació amb Braindead es prou bona: en Danny creu que ella és una psicótica, i ella creu que ell es gilipolles... Així que tot bé.


Danny Dávila was a calm person.

Throughout his childhood, he had to bear taunted and what we now know as bullling. Despite this, he was a good person and had never had the need for revenge and not even that had made him change his habitual quietness. Blood of Horchata, they call him...

But as he grew up, he was accumulating disappointments: people passed him over; old ladies are hit in the supermarket queue ; hairy men push him in the bus; mothers left their huge SUVs in the middle as they gathered school
children; old men parked the car there where they went well; other teenagers listened to horrible ' music ' in all volume from their 
mobiles on the street...

Finally, one day Danny became hotblooded:  



He couldn't take it anymore. Something had broken in his head (and on
his DNA, as the incident brought out his latent powers). 
He dressed the ugliest tracksuit he had, weared an ski mask, grabbed a pair of steel bars... and start to punish uncompromising people under the name of Douchebagger (People who prowl the streets keeping Douches in their place). 
After the incident occurred in the village with Jack O ' Murder, he joined other young heroes and so were born the Mighty Mates (see also Braindead).
His relation with Braindead is good enough: Danny believes that she is a psychotic, and she believes he is a douche... So everything is fine.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Coses varies/Varied stuff

Ha passat un llarg temps (una altra vegada...), pero torno a estar per aquí. 
I aquesta vegada us porto una entrada variada, amb coses que tenia pintades per Super Mission Force i Thud & Blunder. Espero que us agradi:

It's been a long time (again...), but I'm back. 
And this time I bring you a varied post, with things that i painted for Super Mission Force and Thud & Blunder. I hope you like it:

Per cert. Totes les fotografies realitzades per Elisenda Ferré Photography. 
By the way. All photos taken by Elisenda Ferré Photography. 

Primer, una banda d'antropomórfics per Thud & Blunder:  
At first, an Anthropomorphic gang for Thud & Blunder:


Tot seguit, una banda de goblins, també per Thud & Blunder:
Then, a goblin gang, also for Thud & Blunder:

Aquí, Sorcero el Magnífic, un bruixot alienígena, molt poderós. Per SMF:
Here, Sorcero the Magnificent, an alien sorcerer, very powerful. For SMF:

I, finalment, els Zerghon, una banda de criminals alienígenes, tambè per Super Mission Force. D'esquerra a dreta: Paggur, Zephra, Zarghul i JON e-5:
And finally, the Zerghons, a gang of criminal aliens also for Super Mission Force.
From left to right: Paggur, Zephra, Zarghul and JON e-5: