Ok. Here I leave the second member of the Mighty Mates. Let me introduce you:
Danny Dávila era una persona tranquil.la.
Durant tota la seva infància havia hagut d'aguantar burles i el que ara coneixem com a bulling. Tot i això, era una bona persona i mai havia tingut la necessitat de venjança i ni tan sols això l'havia fet canviar la seva tranquil.litat habitual. Sang d'orxata, li deien...
Però a mida que creixia, anava acumulant decepcions: la gent li passava per sobre; les velles se li colaven a la cua del súper; homes peluts l'empentaven al bus; mares deixaven els seus enormes SUVs al mig mentre recollien els nens de l'escola; homes vells aparcaven el cotxe allà on els hi anava bé; d'altres joves escoltaven horrible 'música' a tot volum desde els seus mòbils pel carrer...
Finalment, un dia la sang d'en Danny va començar a bullir:
Ja no podia aguantar més. Alguna cosa s'havia trencat al seu cap (i al seu ADN, ja que l'incident va fer sortir els seus poders latents). Va vestir-se amb el xandall més lleig que tenia, es va enmascarar amb un vell passamontanyes, va agafar un parell de barres d'acer... i va començar a castigar a la gent incívica sota el nom de Douchebagger (qui patrulla els carrers posant els gilipolles a puesto). definició d' Urban Dictionary
Després de l'incident succeït al poble amb en Jack O'Murder, va unir-se a d'altres joves herois i així van néixer els Mighty Mates (veure també Braindead).
La seva rel.lació amb Braindead es prou bona: en Danny creu que ella és una psicótica, i ella creu que ell es gilipolles... Així que tot bé.
Danny Dávila was a calm person.
Throughout his childhood, he had to bear taunted and what we now know as bullling. Despite this, he was a good person and had never had the need for revenge and not even that had made him change his habitual quietness. Blood of Horchata, they call him...
But as he grew up, he was accumulating disappointments: people passed him over; old ladies are hit in the supermarket queue ; hairy men push him in the bus; mothers left their huge SUVs in the middle as they gathered school
Finally, one day Danny became hotblooded:
Throughout his childhood, he had to bear taunted and what we now know as bullling. Despite this, he was a good person and had never had the need for revenge and not even that had made him change his habitual quietness. Blood of Horchata, they call him...
But as he grew up, he was accumulating disappointments: people passed him over; old ladies are hit in the supermarket queue ; hairy men push him in the bus; mothers left their huge SUVs in the middle as they gathered school
children; old men parked the car there where they went well; other teenagers listened to horrible ' music ' in all volume from their
mobiles on the street...
Finally, one day Danny became hotblooded:
He couldn't take it anymore. Something had broken in his head (and on
his DNA, as the incident
brought out his latent powers).
He dressed the ugliest
tracksuit he had, weared an ski mask, grabbed a pair of steel bars... and start
to punish uncompromising people under the name of Douchebagger (People who prowl
the streets keeping Douches in their place).
From Urban
After the incident occurred in
the village with Jack O ' Murder, he joined other young heroes and so were
born the Mighty Mates (see also Braindead).
His relation with Braindead is good enough: Danny believes that she is a psychotic, and she believes he is a douche... So everything is fine.
His relation with Braindead is good enough: Danny believes that she is a psychotic, and she believes he is a douche... So everything is fine.